
The Ministry of Transport and other 13 departments on the issuance of the "Transport large-scale equipment Update action Plan" notice

Release time:2024-06-08 00:00:00

Transportation large-scale equipment renewal action plan

Promoting large-scale equipment renewal of transport is an important measure to accelerate the construction of a powerful transport country, promote the high-quality development of the transport industry, and build a new development pattern of services, which is conducive to promoting investment and consumption. In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, implement the requirements of the Action Plan for Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones, promote a new round of transportation equipment replacement, and support the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system, this action plan is formulated.

I. General requirements

We will implement seven major actions: electric replacement of urban buses, elimination and renewal of old diesel trucks, scrapping and renewal of old vessels, elimination and renewal of old locomotives, replacement of old postal and express equipment, renewal and renovation of logistics facilities and equipment, and upgrading of standards, vigorously promote the application of advanced equipment and Beidou terminals, and promote the clean, low-carbon and efficient development of transportation energy and power systems. Promote green and low-carbon transformation of industries in an orderly manner.

By 2028, the structure of ship capacity will be effectively improved; The promotion and application of new energy public transport vehicles continued to advance; Old locomotives in key areas will be basically eliminated, and large-scale replacement of new energy locomotives will be realized. Intelligent security check equipment for express mail has been widely used, and security check capacity in the field of delivery has been greatly improved; The application of Beidou terminal is further improved; The carbon emission intensity and pollutant emission intensity of the transport sector have been continuously reduced, and the total pollutant emission has further decreased.

Second, the city bus electric alternative action

Encourage old new energy buses and power batteries to replace. Encourage conditional places to develop new energy buses and power battery renewal plans according to local conditions on the basis of ensuring the stable operation of urban public transport, guide the owners of retired power batteries to sell retired power batteries to comprehensive utilization enterprises, and actively promote miniaturized public transport vehicles, low floor and low entrance urban public transport vehicles. Encourage all localities to promote the renewal of old urban public transport vehicles that are 10 years or older. To study and formulate new energy public transport vehicle power battery replacement policies.

Third, the old operation of diesel trucks elimination and renewal action

(1) Accelerating the phase-out and replacement of old diesel trucks in operation. Support the elimination and replacement of old operating trucks. Encourage and guide road freight operators to speed up the elimination of diesel trucks with updated national III and below standard operation, and eliminate diesel trucks with updated National IV standard operation in advance. Relying on the management of road transport vehicles that meet the standards, we will benchmark the international advanced level and continue to improve the energy saving and low-carbon level of operating trucks.

(2) Orderly promotion of new energy trucks. Encourage all localities to combine the development characteristics of the road freight industry, regional industrial environment and new energy supply capacity, and promote the application of new energy operation trucks in urban logistics distribution, port collection and distribution, trunk logistics and other scenarios. Where conditions exist, it is encouraged to study and introduce policies such as the right of way for new energy trucks and the construction of supporting infrastructure according to local conditions, and actively explore business models such as the separation of vehicles and electricity. Scientific layout, moderately ahead of the construction of new energy vehicle supporting infrastructure along the highway, explore the construction of overcharging stations, power stations, hydrogen refueling stations and so on.

4. Scrapping and updating of old operating vessels

(1) Accelerating the scrapping and replacement of old transport ships with high energy consumption and high emissions. Support inland passenger ships that are 10 years old, cargo ships that are 15 years old, and coastal passenger ships that are 15 years old and cargo ships that are 20 years old to accelerate the scrapping and renewal of old ships. Strengthen the quality supervision of ship fuel oil, improve the monitoring and monitoring system of ship air pollutants, and implement the monitoring and supervision demonstration project of ship air pollutant emission control area. Encourage areas where conditions permit to establish an exit mechanism for existing oil-powered vessels.

(2) Vigorously support the development of new energy and clean energy powered transport vessels. Accelerate the research and development of fuel powered ship types such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), alcohol, hydrogen, and ammonia, strengthen the key common features of high-performance LNG, high-power alcohol fuel engines, high-energy density and high-safety performance power batteries, and cutting-edge core technologies, and improve the supply capacity of new energy ship equipment. Support the construction of new energy and clean energy powered vessels, support the development of international vessels powered by fuels such as green alcohol and green ammonia, promote the application of LNG and biodiesel powered vessels on coastal and inland waterway routes where conditions permit, support the pilot application of pure battery power on small and medium-sized and short-distance inland waterway vessels, and support ships in exploring the pilot application of portable equipment reloading modes such as box power supplies. Gradually expand the application of green electricity, LNG, biodiesel, green alcohol and other energy sources in the field of ships. We will improve the policy for major reconstruction of passenger vessels, implement incentives such as giving priority to berthing and unberthing of new energy vessels, and ensure the energy supply capacity of electricity, LNG, biodiesel, and green alcohol. We will encourage exploration into the establishment of pilot demonstration zones for comprehensive new energy use of regional ships.

(3) Improving the supporting infrastructure for new energy, clean energy powered transport vessels. We will strengthen the intensive and efficient use of shoreline resources, support the building of the capacity of LNG, biodiesel, green alcohol and other refueling and charging (replacement) power supply services, support the upgrading of conditional refueling (gas) outlets and water service areas to improve the comprehensive service level of supporting facilities, explore the construction of green shipping integrated service areas, and accelerate the construction of a convenient and perfect supporting infrastructure network. Strengthen the risk assessment of new energy refueling operations and key ship supporting systems and equipment such as power systems, storage, transportation and refueling systems.

5. Elimination and renewal of old locomotives

1. Accelerating the elimination of old locomotives. We will support the elimination and scrapping of old locomotives. Promote the introduction of departmental regulations such as the "Measures for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution of Railway Internal Combustion Engines", establish a mandatory scrappage management system based on the service life, pollution emission and safety performance of locomotives, clarify the scrappage service life of old railway internal combustion engines is 30 years, build a locomotive exhaust pollutant emission inspection system, and strengthen the dynamic tracking management of locomotive operating status and exhaust pollutants.

(2) Encourage the renewal of new energy locomotives. Organize relevant enterprises to build a genealogical and platform-based Chinese standard new energy railway equipment platform for different regions and different scenarios, and achieve locomotive emission, fuel consumption, comfort and other indicators to reach the international advanced level. Relying on the research and development of Fuxing and other series of locomotive products, the use of high-power power battery, a new generation of diesel engine, internal dual power source, hydrogen power system, low carbon/zero carbon fuel engine and other technologies to promote the renewal and upgrading of old diesel locomotives. Adopt hybrid power and new energy power technology to realize the alternative application of shunting locomotive; Install a new generation of low-emission and low-fuel consumption medium-high speed diesel engine to realize the alternative application of trunk freight locomotives; Using diesel engine + power battery integrated application to realize the replacement of trunk passenger locomotives and the serialization of moving sets; Efficient AC transmission technology is adopted to achieve iterative upgrading of locomotive products.

Six, postal express old equipment replacement action

(1) Support the update of old security equipment. Promote postal express delivery enterprises to eliminate and update old micro-dose X-ray security inspection equipment, and configure the use of intelligent X-ray security inspection equipment for mail express. Promote the introduction of departmental regulations such as the "Measures for the Management of Mail Express Security Inspection", and revise the "Technical Requirements for intelligent X-ray Security inspection Equipment for Mail express". Guide postal express delivery enterprises to formulate intelligent security inspection equipment update plan according to local conditions. Further promote the research and development of intelligent security check system in the postal industry, and constantly improve the process technology of intelligent security check equipment. Encourage postal and express delivery enterprises to strengthen the information construction of security checks, strengthen the application of modern information technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain in the field of security checks, and promote security work to information and intelligent management.

(2) Carry out the update of postal express terminal delivery vehicles. Combined with the pilot area for the comprehensive electrification of vehicles in the urban public sector, we will guide all localities to formulate new energy vehicle renewal plans according to local conditions, advance them in stages and layers, and support postal express companies to eliminate and update a number of transport and terminal distribution vehicles. Encourage enterprises to use new energy unmanned delivery vehicles on a large scale in areas that meet the requirements to improve the efficiency of mail express transfer.

(3) Support the renewal of old sorting equipment. Encourage postal express delivery enterprises to eliminate old sorting equipment in the main mail express processing sites, and configure and use complete sets of automatic intelligent sorting equipment. Guide enterprises to formulate sorting equipment renewal plans according to actual needs, implement basic conditions such as land use for processing sites, and encourage local governments to provide policy support for sorting equipment renewal. Strengthen the research and development and application of green, low-carbon and intelligent innovative technologies, promote the iteration of complete sets of intelligent sorting equipment, improve sorting efficiency, and promote the intelligent and low-carbon upgrading of equipment.

Seventh, logistics facilities and equipment renovation action

Encourage the national logistics hub, the national backbone cold chain logistics base, the national demonstration logistics park, the suburban Okang base within the scope of multimodal transport terminals and transfer facilities and equipment upgrading. We will accelerate the transformation of smart logistics hubs and logistics parks. Support the upgrading of high-standard warehouses, border port railway reloading facilities and equipment, and intelligent three-dimensional storage facilities that apply automatic sorting systems, stackers, electric forklifts and other facilities and equipment. Actively promote and upgrade the circulation sharing system of standardized pallets, turnover boxes and other logistics loading equipment. Support refrigerated trucks and other transportation equipment, refrigeration systems and other cold chain facilities and equipment intelligent green upgrading.

8. Standard Improvement action

(1) Strengthening the upgrading of energy consumption, emissions and technical standards of vehicles and vessels in operation. Set the standard against the international advanced level, and speed up the safe and green development level of operating trucks, operating ships and other transport vehicles. We will accelerate the upgrading of energy consumption limit standards for commercial vehicles, and increase the supply of safety and environmental protection standards for new energy vehicles. Accelerate the revision of standards such as fuel consumption limits and carbon emission intensity for operating vessels, and accelerate the study of charging and replacing facilities for operating vessels and standards for biodiesel and methanol fuel filling operations. We will accelerate the construction of a standard system for green smart ships, establish and improve new energy ships and key equipment and quality and technical standards, and implement the standardization of green smart ships leading project.

(2) Establish a standard system for new energy locomotives and supporting projects. Promote the construction of new energy locomotives and green low-carbon standard system, fully absorb advanced technology and advanced experience at home and abroad, coordinate and promote the coordinated development of national standards, industry standards and group standards, and realize the comprehensive coverage of the standard system for product technology, quality and safety, monitoring and measurement, evaluation and certification, and supporting projects. Encourage the construction of supporting projects such as power battery charging, hydrogen fuel and alternative fuel refueling, explore the construction of integrated and comprehensive service capacity for the application, maintenance, overhaul and supporting projects of new energy locomotives, and build a perfect locomotive life cycle operation system.

9. Strengthen policy support

1. Formulate supporting measures. Study and formulate the implementation rules of the fund subsidy for the scrapping and renewal of old operating vehicles and vessels, and clarify the scope of subsidies, subsidy standards, operating processes, regulatory requirements and departmental responsibilities. Local transport authorities should formulate supporting operating rules, detailed implementation measures, and standardized work.

2. Increasing financial support. We will continue to implement subsidies for the elimination and renewal of old operating vehicles and ships, and include eligible equipment renewal projects in the scope of support such as central funds. Encourage qualified localities to make overall use of the urban transportation development incentive funds arranged by the central finance to support the renewal of new energy city buses and power batteries. Strengthen highway maintenance machinery and equipment and emergency equipment update policy reserve.

3. Improve financial and insurance support. Increase financial support, give full play to the incentive role of scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation refinancing policy tools, and guide financial institutions to strengthen support for transportation technology transformation and equipment renewal. We will encourage banking and insurance institutions to provide diversified financial services and improve financing convenience and insurance protection.

4. Strengthening support for innovation Relying on the national key research and development plan, the first (set) major technology and equipment demonstration, etc., focusing on the "stuck neck" problem of major transportation technology and equipment, carrying out the research and development and promotion of key technologies of new clean energy transportation equipment, and improving the level of intelligent green transportation equipment. Encourage all types of green transportation innovation entities in the industry to establish innovation alliances, and establish a mechanism for tackling key core technologies in green transportation. We will continue to formulate and publish a catalogue of key energy-saving and low-carbon technologies in the transport sector, and accelerate the promotion and application of key technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection.


The Ministry of Transport and the National Development and Reform Commission shall strengthen coordination of work and promote the implementation of this action plan together with relevant departments. Local transport authorities should work together with relevant departments to formulate and implement work plans, improve supporting measures, and effectively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of transport equipment. Strengthen supervision and assessment, and incorporate the upgrading of transportation equipment into the carbon emission evaluation system of the transportation industry and the green and low-carbon development evaluation system of the railway, highway and waterway industry. Strengthen risk prevention, strictly prevent local protection, enterprises taking the opportunity to raise prices, illegal fraud and other behaviors. Do a good job of policy publicity and interpretation, deepen the understanding of enterprises and the public for the renewal of transportation equipment, and create a good atmosphere.

Copy: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and State Supervision Commission in the Ministry of Transport discipline inspection and supervision team.